Today we decided to make some more edits to our film due to the critiques that our teacher gave us. Since our over the shoulder shot could not show the fake blood inside of the cup I was drinking, we needed to make a change. Our goal was to make the blood more visible so that the audience could comprehend the situation. At first we began to pour the blood onto the table to reveal the blood dripping from my mouth. However, this method did not look like real-life blood, so we needed to develop a new plan. I then got the red food coloring bottle and began to drip it onto plate while Adrian recorded this scene at a high angle. This action looked way more convincing because of the way the blood splattered as it fell. It also looked better because it was way darker compared to the fake blood we made inside of the cup. The blood made in the cup was very watery and light which did not give off the blood consistency that I wanted. After completing this segment, we created another idea. Adrian spelled Tea Time out of the blood we splattered onto the plate. This chilling drip of dark red blood spelled out made it very attractive to the audience. This idea was perfect because it could present the name of the film to the audience if it was placed at the beginning of the film. After filming these actions, I reviewed the scenes to make sure they came out good. Since there were no issues Adrian applied the scene where Tea Time is spelled out at the beginning of the video. The dripping of the food coloring (the blood) was placed at the end of the video to create a scare. I was very happy with how the creation of the scenes were quick and efficient. We were all able to critically think in the eyes of our audience to please them. Once the new scenes were added to the title design we all viewed the film for a final time to see if we were all happy with it. Since we were all happy with our creation, we posted it onto YouTube.
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