Friday, February 18, 2022

Title Research: The Shining

 The Shining 

 How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?  Which ones?

The opening sequence of 'The Shining' contains 8 different titles.

  • A 'Stanley Kubrick' Film

  • Movie Title 'THE SHINING'

  • Actors

  • Executive Producers

  • Based upon a novel by 'Stephen King'

  • Produced in association with 'The Producer Circle Company'

  • Screenplay by

  • Produced and Directed by 'Stanley Kubrick'

What connotation do the images carry?

The images are very simplistic, the whole opening scene is just a bunch of extreme long shot/ extreme long tracking shots. Just a car driving along a road that is in a mountain valley. The only feeling this gives the audience is mainly a feeling of realism.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 

In the title sequence the soundtrack that plays is the most significant technique used. The sound is very ominous, with a very slow pace. Very loud at some points then very quiet at others. This is used to give an uneasy feeling for the audience, along with a feeling of strong anticipation. From what is displayed on the screen, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that the movie is a horror one. But you would definitely be able to by the music.

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The main convention used to appeal to the horror genre audience is the type of music. The slow gloomy sound gives the audience an uneasy feeling that fits perfectly with a horror movie.

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