Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Our Decision

After a lengthy discussion about the three genres that have been researched, my partners and I have decided to choose horror. When we brainstormed ideas, we were left with two ways to interpret our pitch. We thought about approaching our idea with horror at first. The pitch is about a girl who lives in a creepy town and finds herself in a creepy forest, obviously having horror undertones. However, we thought about approaching this idea in an unconventional way: comedy.

The inspiration we have for this idea is the film Scary Movie. We know that horror is commonly picked for the final task project, so we wanted to think outside the box. We discussed whether we have the talent to write a funny script and if it could be funny in only the first two minutes of a movie. We also discussed if any of us had the ability to deliver a funny script. After this talk, we ultimately decided that the film may not translate in the humorous way we want. We decided it’d be best if we just stuck to the obvious theme of our pitch: horror.

We also discussed making our pitch into a love story. We thought about using a “creepy town” as a situation to develop a love connection between two actors. However, our group wanted to stray away from the love stories because our last two projects had a love theme. We were tired of the romantic theme and wanted to try something new. Plus, we thought a romance theme would be difficult to convey in only two minutes as well.

After discussing the romance and comedy genres, our group knew we were probably going to lean towards the horror choice. It could be conveyed in two minutes and we all really connect with the horror movies. All of us enjoy the suspenseful feeling accompanied with watching films in this genre and want a chance to create it ourselves. 

So, our group has decided to choose the horror genre for our final task!

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