Today I went to the Bed Bath and Beyond store to buy all of the supplies to decorate the Christmas tree for my project. The plan was to tape me around gathering essentials at a variety of angles. I first grabbed a shopping cart and had Riana record me gripping as well as pushing the cart around the store. I then went to the aisle with the Christmas decorations and I found the ones I needed. As Riana taped me taking the ornaments on the shelf I tilted it toward the camera so the beauties could be seen. We did this multiple times so that we could have many angles to choose from while editing. We then searched for other products to contribute to the tree but we were unsuccessful. The next step was to check out. At checkout we wanted to capture the process of the cashier checking us out. I first placed the supplies onto the countertop while Riana taped me and the cashier executing our tasks. I then bagged my items and I purchased them. While I walked with the bags Riana filmed me walking at a slow pace to capture me leaving the store. Lastly, I went out to a lighten holiday house and captured the bright candy canes with the Santa. I believe we had a productive day today as we got over a 50 scenes that we could choose from. The entire process took about 5 hours as we traveled to multiple places. Gathering all of these essentials will allow me to move onto the next stage of filming. I will be able to film the process of putting up a tree with all the things I bought. I am eager to see the bright Christmas lights glisten off of the tree. As well as our final production of the music video. On to the next stage!
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