Thursday, December 9, 2021


Today we began editing our music video using the IMovie application. We first gathered all of the clips we recorded and imported them to Riana's computer. The next obstacle was figuring out how to import and place the background music to IMovie. To accomplish this I first went to YouTube and sent the video to myself. I then saved it as a file onto the computer and dragged the musical piece into IMovie. From there I was able to cut the song to the time pieces we were focusing on. After doing this we began choosing which scenes we wanted to include and which ones we did not. I decided not to include the scenes of me shopping in the store as it did not go well with the theme. I also decided not to include the videos that came out dark and choppy. The overall theme we were reaching for was a night out during the holidays. While editing we collectively decided to add filters in order to make it more visually appealing. After placing multiple clips together we noticed the overall message of the video was not being portrayed. In order to fix this I decided to capture more clips outside my house. I first recorded me talking to an inflatable Santa so it could match the 'Santa Claus won't make me happy' lyric. Then I taped myself walking through the street exploring the neighborhood lights. For this clip I wanted it exhibit me exploring the town. This essential piece allowed for the rest of the scenes to come together and make sense. After this Riana was able to add the pieces and finalize the music video. Although these scenes as very last minute we were able to finish our video and make it understandable for our audience. This day we endured many obstacles but in the end we were able to create a wonderful video. 


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